Saturday, May 17, 2008

The strains of My Fair Lady are floating through my head. It's past midnight. I've had a full day. The boys just went home, now that the movie is over. That movie is an interesting study in male/female interaction and relationships. For the most part, I think it disappoints, though I enjoyed watching it. "Eliza, where the devil are my slippers?!"

Today we played tennis. We drove down to the park on Mission that has a bunch of courts, many of them rather badly cracked. I had a wonderful time! I payed a set with Jon and barely lost 3-2; played a doubles set with Jo, Ste, and Noah and won 3-2; played a set with Noah and lost 3-0; played a set with Jo and lost 3-0. How fun. :) Honestly, I'm glad the boys are so good. I can play as hard as I want and have a blast, and the boys still get their satisfaction of beating me. They are so funny. Then Jon took us to the Arctic Circle and got us dipped soft ice-cream cones. What fun. Driving around Spokane with my big brother, getting ice-cream, feeling like we're going too fast in Jon's little red sports car, feeling awkward wearing sunglasses, letting Jon convince me that it's not weird to wear sunglasses pushed up on my hair when I no longer need them, etc. "...what a Day..."—actually, I think it reflects that Day. Then we came home and had a wonderful supper in which Noah learned the Walters' way of eating baked potatoes. Then Noah and Jo were amazing on their guitars for us. Noah sang his "French song" and a song that Aunt Meredith taught them called "The Fox." Then the movie.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

You sound so happy, like you are in "your spot," and that makes me happy, too.

I bet you were very cool in your sunglasses :) I'm thinking of our conversation by the window at Jason's deli, about becoming culturally makes me smile.